2024 Stewardship Campaign
Northeastern 2024 Stewardship Campaign Video
In gratitude for Christ's love and as a growing disciple, I (we) will endeavor to follow God's leading in giving to the ministries of our church family.
Pledge card
Time and Talent Form
To become a Growing, Generous Congregation; To give generously of our Time, Talent and Treasure (Finance); To give by tithing and Develop the idea of Estate-Foundation-Planned Giving.
To develop a financial generosity of discipline in the lives of members to include teaching on Biblical financial management and cultivate a commitment to give. The committee will organize the means of giving to the congregational ministry and encourage the practical skills on being a donor of wills and bequests for the future of Northeastern.
To make a donation, click on the link below!!!
2024 Per Captia is $48.56
What is the Per Capita?